2022 Icarus Island - Art Couture Gallery  - White Rock, Canada
2022 Enveloping the Mnemonics - True Colour Gallery  - North Vancouver, Canada
2017 The Flower Statement Series: New Paintings by Wu Yang - Richmond City Hall Galleria by Richmond Art Gallery  - Richmond, Canada
2016 The Traveling Thoughts between Water and Mountain - Zehong Arts Gallery  - Beijing, China
2015 Exhibition: Art by Wu Yang - Art Beijing  - Beijing, China
2014 WOW Show - Art by Wu Yang - Zehong Arts Gallery  - Beijing, China
2013 Spirit of the Petal Stone - Today Art Museum - Beijing, China
Group EXHIBITION (Selected)

2022 On the Edge - Federation of Canadian Artists - Vancouver, Canada
2022 Art Vancouver - Vancouver Visual Art Foundation - Vancouver, Canada
2022 Make A Wish Group Show - JPS Gallery  - Hong Kong, China
2019 Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art - BI Art Gallery - Riga, Latvia
2018 Charming Colors: Chinese Contemporary Art - by China Cultural Center in Nepal- Kathmandu, Nepal
2017 Bridges & Friendships: Canada - Mexico - China - Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver - Vancouver, Canada
2017 A Leap Forward: North American Artists Invitation Exhibition - Amerasia Bank - New York, U.S.
2016 Turn of the Year Contemporary Art Exhibition - Riverside art Museum- Beijing, China
2016 From Lausanne to Beijing - 9th International FIBERART Biennale - Guan Shan Yue Art Museum - Shenzhen, China
2015 Pretty Woman and Wonderful Epoque - Manet Art Gallery  - Beijing, China
2015 Asia Contemporary Art Show Hong Kong 2015 - Hong Kong, China
2014 The Land: Overseas Exhibition of Chinese Canadian Artists Federation in Vancouver - National Taiwan Arts Education Center  - Taiwan
2013 XII Biennale du Salon Artistique de L’AMOPA (Association des Membres de l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques’ Bieannle) - La Garde, France
2012 Juried Awards Exhibition - Federation of Canadian Artists - Vancouver, Canada
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